3つのメインデッキレイアウトオプションと多機能なゾーンを備えたAzimut68は、さまざまな市場好みや習慣に対応し、海での生活をどのように楽しむべきかというアイディアを反映したソリューションをクライアントに提供するように設計されています 。
Life on the sea is, above all, about freedom. It is about the freedom to enjoy every moment to the maximum, choosing how, where and with whom you spend your precious time.
With three main deck layout options and a versatile multi-functional zone, the Azimut 68 has been designed to address the variety of tastes and habits of different markets and offer clients a solution that reflects their idea of how life at sea should be enjoyed.
“EdgeWater 370CC”
I painted the orange boot line.
EdgeWater 230CC
The white hull above the waterline was painted in the same color as the hull.
It looks better.
Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show 2021
S氏 ナイスなバイクでご来店!!
DUCATI | Diavel
Japan or Bust | A new 280CC arrived at Yokohama today. From the craftsman of Edgewater, Florida to the waters off Japan. A proud sight to see.
Japan or Bust | 新280CCが今日横浜に到着。 フロリダ州エッジウォーターの職人から日本の海へ。 誇らしい光景。